Olsen Park Church of Christ

Things New Converts Need to Know (2)

Introduction. This morning we began a consideration of some things that new converts need to know. As we mentioned this morning, while we have a few people at Olsen Park that might be considered new converts, this lesson is really for all in Christ. We must prepare ourselves to be able to help new converts so that they can be what they ought to be in service to Christ. Tonight we will end our study by looking at four final things that new converts need to know.

V. They need to prepare themselves for hardships. 

A.       All Christians will face hardship and persecution (2 Tim. 3:12).

1.       If we are well-spoken of by the world we are likely not standing up for truth as we should (Luke 6:26).

2.       Even the apostles were spoken against—sometimes by brethren (3 John 9-10).

3.      New converts should recognize that the same can happen to them.

B.       We are blessed if we suffer for doing good—it is a mark we are like our Lord (1 Pet. 3:14).

1.       We should not suffer for doing wrong, but we can glorify God if we suffer as a Christian (1 Pet. 4:15-16).

VI. They need to face doubts immediately. 

A.       We must work to make our calling sure (2 Pet. 1:10).

1.      This means we don’t allow doubt and uncertainty to go unaddressed—we must help new converts see this.

2.      It happens far too often that those who have been in Christ for years never address doubts and then lose faith when these doubts come to the surface.

B.       We must be ready to answer to others (1 Pet. 3:15).

1.      This preparation can help us overcome doubts.

VII. They need to to feel valued like everyone else.  

A.        A person who has been “born again” became such through the invaluable and incorruptible word of God (1 Pet. 1:23).

1.      Such a person is a part of a “special people” (1 Pet. 2:9).

B.       When the prodigal son came home he was treated as an honored guest (Luke 15:23).

C.       All parts of the body are important to the body (1 Cor. 12:12-14).

1.      We must help new converts see that they are valued and just as important as any other member.

VIII. They are without excuse for unfaithfulness. 

A.       In the parable of the sower, Jesus explains that often the new convert does stumble and fall away (Matt. 13:6, 21).

1.      That doesn’t mean that this has to happen, nor does it mean that if sin comes into the life of a new convert it is acceptable.

2.      Sin is never acceptable—there is never an excuse for sin.

B.       John teaches that Christians will sin—but it doesn’t teach that it should be ignored or is “no big deal” (1 John 1:8-2:1).

C.      Certainly, there is patience that must be shown toward new converts.

1.      Sometimes, they do wrong out of ignorance of God’s word.

2.      Consider the example of Simon the sorcerer—Peter was direct—Simon was humble and repentant (Acts 8:20-24)

Kyle Pope 2015
Modified from a lesson
by Chuck Bartlett

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