Olsen Park Church of Christ


Introduction. (Isa. 5:20-23) In modern times there is a great deal of emphasis placed on the subject of tolerance. Those who are considered to be intolerant are greatly scorned by our society. In fact intolerance is one of the few things within our culture that it is still considered acceptable to oppose.

  • People have lost their jobs.
  • Disciplinary action has been taken.
  • Those who are considered to be intolerant have been required to go to counseling or to sensitivity training in order to improve their perceived intolerance.

It is rapidly coming to the point that merely expressing opposition to anything is perceived as intolerance. There is, however, a contraction in this attitude. Isn’t it intolerant in itself to oppose intolerance?

The Bible teaches that there is a place for tolerance. It is accurate to say that Christians should be tolerant of others. It is also clear, however, that sometimes what is perceived by our culture as intolerance is in fact the attitude that one must have if he or she is to believe that there is a God, that the Bible is His revelation, that Jesus is the Son of God, and that there will be a judgment of our deeds in the end. This morning I’d like for us to consider the subject of tolerance to consider what the Bible teaches our attitude should be.

I. Christians should be tolerant. There are many things about which Christians should be tolerant.

  1. We should be tolerant of each other’s differences (Eph. 4:1-3).
    1. Not everyone is interested in the same things. Some people like sports while others don’t care for it. Some people like one form of entertainment or relaxation, while others like something completely different.
    2. Not everyone looks at things the same way. Some things that are very important to one person may not be as important to another person.
    3. Not everyone expresses their feelings the same way. Some don’t like to share their emotions. Some are very affectionate. Others feel uncomfortable showing affection. Either because of things they’ve experienced in their life, or because they simply feel that some affection should only be reserved for family.
    4. Not everyone looks the same. That’s true whether you’re talking about someone’s gender, race, age, or background.
  2. We should be tolerant of each other’s personalities (1 Cor. 12:18-27). All of the things we just addressed in terms of personal differences also apply to personality.
    1. People are like snowflakes. I don’t mean by that, that they are "flaky." I mean it in terms of personal differences.
    2. No two people are exactly alike. You can see this in families. Take two identical twins. They may have the same parents, the same background, and very similar life experiences, but they are not identical in terms of personality.
    3. We can either see this as a source of frustration or as a unique and beautiful distinction between all people.
  3. We should be tolerant of each other’s financial status (James 2:1-4).
    1. We should not look down on someone for his or her humble status, nor exalt someone else because of his or her wealth.
    2. If someone doesn’t have nice clothes, or the newest car, we should not be intolerant if they don’t have the things we have. 
  4. We should be tolerant when it comes to matters of judgment (Rom. 14:1-10).
    1. This text is not saying that if someone believes they can commit what is clearly taught in Scripture to be sinful we should tolerate it.
    2. It is talking about how we respond to what has been revealed in the world of God.
    3. In matters of judgment concerning how to apply what is taught in Scripture, or in matters concerning which there is no revelation we must have patience and tolerance towards one another.

II. Christians must not be tolerant of...

  1. Things that are contrary to the Word of God (2 Cor. 10:4-6).
    1. Twisting Scripture (2 Pet. 3:14-16).
    2. False doctrine (1 John 4:1-3).
      1. This is part of the work of elders (Titus 1:7-11).
    3. A different gospel (Gal. 1:6-9).
    4. A false Christ (2 Cor. 11:2-4).
      1. To be tolerant of such things is to share in error (2 John 9-11).
  1. Unrepentant sin.
    1. It will lead the one outside of Christ to hell (Acts 17:29-31).
      1. God’s wrath will come upon the ungodly (Eph. 5:5-7).
      2. Is a person a “hater” or “unkind” if he affirms that God condemns homosexuality, sex outside of marriage, unlawful divorce and remarriage, drinking, drugs, immodesty, foul language, dishonesty, unfaithfulness in worship? No. He is loving! He is intolerant of that which God is intolerant.
    1. It will lead the Christian to condemnation (1 Cor. 5:1-13).
    2. It will make it harder to convert others (Rom. 2:21-24).
    3. It could lead us to be lost (1 Cor. 15:53).

Conclusion. We have seen that while it is true that Christians should be tolerant, it is also clear that there are some things Christians must not tolerate. May God help us to be as tolerant was we ought to be in those things we can and ought to tolerate, but to have the courage and conviction to be intolerant of those things of which He expects us never to tolerate.

Kyle Pope 2014

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