“The Mercy Seat”

Introduction. (Exodus 25:17-22). As we study the book of Exodus we come to the section of the text where God gives the very detailed descriptions of those items which were connected with worship in the tabernacle. One such item, associated with the ark of the covenant, many translations refer to as the “Mercy Seat.” Tonight I’d like for us to go through and look at this item, and see some things that are taught about how it functioned, and then look at the New Testament to see some things taught about the “Mercy Seat” under the New Covenant.

I. Description of the “Mercy Seat.”

  1. Instructions to build. Note:
    1. Hammered gold cherubim (winged angelic beings) with wings outstreched (Exodus 25:17-20).
    2. On top of the ark (Exodus 25:21). This sets on top of the ark like a lid. Note: not a literal seat, but a lid. One Jewish translation I have renders it “covering” not “mercy seat.”
    3. “Mercy Seat” Heb. kapporet from kpr “cover over, pacify, propitiate” - some say etym. from Akk. or Epypt. “to wipe, or wash away” others connect it with Arabic word meaning “cover.” It is not a literal “seat” but the place where mercy, propitiation & expiation takes place.
    4. God would “meet with” them and “speak to them” from the Mercy Seat between the cherubim (Exodus 25:22).
  2. On the ark in the Most Holy Place (Exodus 26:33,34).
  3. Craftsmen appointed to construct (Exodus 31:1-7). They carried this out. (Exodus 37:1-9).
  4. Moses put it in place. (Exodus 40:17-20).
  5. Instructions to Aaron. (Leviticus 16:2; 13-17). Note: God “appears to them” in the cloud of inscense - the place of atonement and mercy.

II. Function of the “Mercy Seat.”

  1. We note from the texts above four things in connection with the “Mercy Seat” - God promises to 1.) “meet with” them (Exodus 25:22); 2.) Instruct them (Exodus 25:22); 3.) “appear” to them in the cloud (Leviticus 16:2); 4.) the place where mercy was granted.
  2. God spoke to Moses from the “Mercy Seat.” (Numbers 7:89).
  3. Joshua prays towards the “Mercy Seat.” (Joshua 7:6; God speaks - from the “Mercy Seat”? - 7:10).
  4. Solomon places in the Most Holy Place when temple is constructed. (I Chronicles 28:10-12).

III. The “Mercy Seat” in the New Testament.

  1. LXX (Greek OT) uses the word hilasterion “means or place where sins are forgiven” [< Gr. hilasmos - “means by which sins are forgiven” (Newman)] to refer to the “Mercy Seat.”
  2. Used twice in NT.
    1. Description of Tabernacle (Hebrews 9:1-5).
    2. Description of Jesus’ Purpose. (Romans 3:21-26). vs. 25 - God set forth Jesus as a “propitiation” (footnote: “Mercy Seat.”
  3. How is Jesus Our “Mercy Seat?”
    1. We meet with God in Jesus. (John 14:6; Matthew 11:27-30).
    2. God appears to us in Jesus. (John 14:7-9; John 1:18).
    3. God speaks to us through Jesus. (Hebrews 1:1-4). Example: Father delegating to the Son responsibilities.
    4. Mercy is granted through Jesus. (Romans 3:23-26).