“Do I Have To Be At Every Church Service?”

Introduction. Jesus - (Luke 4:16); Paul - (Acts 11:26; 17:2). It was the regular custom of Jesus and Paul to engage in congregational worship to God. Sometimes we ask the question - do I have to be at every church service? This is a question that is often considered by Christians (either out loud) or within our heart’s. We look at our schedules and there are...

Which sometimes effect whether or not we can be at every church service. In addition to this we make... All of these things may be well and good. But then, there comes a time when these things conflict with regular times of worship and Bible study. At these times, either in response to someone’s concern over our absence, or to address our own feelings about the matter we ask...
“Do I Have To Be At Every Church Service?” This is an important question to come “to grips with” - it effects a lot in our life. To consider it we must first understand some things about the question.

I. What does it mean if we “have to” do something?

  1. “Have To” - Can mean...
    • We are forced to do something;
    • We are under moral obligation to do something;
    • We should do something; or
    • We face certain consequences (or forfeit certain benefits) if we don’t do something.
  2. In matters of faith it is clear that God does not force us to do anything.
    1. God can “give us over to” sin. (Psalm 81:11,12; Romans 1:28).
    2. We must “choose for ourselves.” (Joshua 24:14,15). But this doesn’t mean that when we make the wrong choices there are not consequences.

II. We can choose to reject God’s ways.

  1. In one sense when we ask - “Do I have to be at every service?” we could answer...
    1. No - We Can Choose Not to “Consider One Another.” (Hebrews 10:23-25). Note: “hold fast” > “consider one” -- what will not accomplish either objective is “forsaking the assembling of ourselves together.” Church services are times in which we are intended to strive to encourage ourselves and one another to hold fast to the faith.
    2. No - We Can Choose Not to “Obey those Who Rule Over” Us. (Hebrews 13:17). Identifying ourselves with a local congregation means that we place ourselves under the oversight of the elders of that congregation. They are responsible to God for our souls. To meet this responsibility they organize classes, setup times to worship and study, support preachers, etc. They can’t read our minds-they can’t know exactly what area in which we need to grow-so they provide situations with meat and milk, first principles and weighty matters-all in an effort to help us go to heaven. When we decide arbitrarily not to attend one of these times we are failing to submit to their oversight.
    3. No - We Can Choose Not to “Desire the Pure Milk of the Word.” (I Peter 2:1-3). Note: “Tasting” that the Lord is “gracious” > should lead us to want the word like a baby wants milk! It is what helps us to appreciate that “the Lord is gracious.”
    4. No - You Can Choose Not to “Submit Yourself to God.” (James 4:7,8). Note: We have seen in these few texts that God commands us to assemble, we are to submit to the oversight of the elders and we are to desire to be fed with the word. Taking advantage of all of these things is submitting to God. Failing (or refusing) to do them is rebellion against God.
  2. But “Have To” can also mean...
    1. We are under moral obligation to do something;
    2. We should do something; or
    3. We face certain consequences (or forfeit certain benefits) if we don’t do something. In this sense do we “have to”? This leads us to consider another part of this question...

III. What do we mean by - “every church service.”

  1. The New Testament Pattern.
    1. NT Christians met every day (Acts 2:46) and on the Lord’s day (Acts 20:7; I Corinthians 16:1,2).
    2. These times were times opportunities to “do our share.” (Ephesians 4:11-16)
    3. These times were occasions to “build-up” one another. (I Corinthians 14:26).
    4. These times were occasions to grow (Colossians 2:18,19) and help guard one another (Rev 3:1,2).
  2. Do we think that there are some times when the church assembles for worship that are more important than others? - I hope not. The only thing unique about Sunday is the Lord’s Supper and Laying by in store.

Conclusion. Remember “Have To” can mean... 1. We are under moral obligation to do something; 2. We should do something; or 3. We face certain consequences (or forfeit certain benefits) if we don’t do something.

  1. Does the Bible teach that God applies an “attendance chart” quota to His mercy leading to salvation? - No.
    1. Does the Bible teach that I will go to hell if I miss a service? - No. Will I miss something that God commands me to do in order to help me avoid sin and go to heaven? - Yes.
    2. Can I be right with God and refuse to obey His command to do what can lead me to grow and mature? - No. (Romans 14:22).
  2. Should I be at every service? - Yes. (James 4:17).
    1. Am I under moral obligation to be at every service? - Yes (both to God and our brethren).
    2. Will I face consequences if I don’t attend every service? - Yes (I will answer to God, damage my relationship with Him and my brethren and I could lose my soul).
    3. Will I forfeit certain benefits if I don’t attend every service? - Yes. cf. Worldly influence with Godly influence. (I Peter 5:8,9).
    4. Will we be following the example of Paul, the other Apostles and Jesus himself? - Yes.